Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Practices Alignment with Ambitious Teaching


  • Eskil Ahn Braseth Norwegian University of Science and Technology


practice-based, craft knowledge, ambitious teaching, professional development


Research on practice-based mathematics teacher education has identified core practices, principles and design features that lead to effective programs. Yet, some teachers do not perceive such practice-based development programs as relevant or useful. In response to this, the study reported in this article investigated three Norwegian teachers’ current perceptions on mathematics teaching and student learning. Findings from the study indicate that teachers’ perceptions on classroom practices can be described by using key concepts similar to those that are used to describe practices in ambitious teaching. However, the teachers’ perceptions are guided by underlying purposes that differ from the view of teaching and student learning grounded in the characteristics of ambitious mathematics teaching. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the potential benefits of studying teachers’ current understandings of concepts related to a professional development program before entry to or during the start-up phase of the program.


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