About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Mathematics Teacher Education and Development (MTED) is an international refereed journal that provides a stimulating collection of articles with a focus on mathematics teacher education. The journal is owned and published by the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA).

ISSN 1442-3901 (Print)                  ISSN 2203-1499 (Online)

MTED is indexed in Scopus and has a Scimago Journal Ranking of Q3 in Education and Mathematics (miscellaneous) since 2023.

MTED has been published continuously since 1999 and from 2014 has been published as an Open Access online journal. There are two online issues per year (Jan-June, July-Dec) and papers are published open access upon acceptance. Special Issues with a focus on a specific theme of interest in mathematics teacher education are published from time to time.

Submission of high-quality manuscripts in any area of mathematics teacher education and development is invited. Topics should normally be of general interest to an international readership, but articles exploring specifically Australasian topics of interest are also welcome. Quite a diversity of articles will be included: research reports; articles addressing general issues and perspectives; "successful pathway" reports of exemplary practices that have a strong theoretical basis or have been evaluated effectively; discussion on recent and potential policy decisions and curriculum developments; evaluations of programs, materials, particular practices, relevant research methods (e.g., teacher-as-researcher); summaries of what research says about specific mathematics education professional development themes; philosophical debates; "think" pieces where new ideas are presented; position papers; and reviews of relevant books and software. The journal's purpose is to promote the sharing of ideas as well as research findings.

The editors of MTED would like to invite authors to contribute to an exciting new section in our journal, Illustrations of Practice. These articles will feature examples of practitioner research that describe innovative and practical examples of mathematics education researchers’ work. We are particularly interested in featuring examples of professional learning sessions undertaken with in-service teachers and accounts of classroom practice conducted with pre-service teachers. All submitted Illustrations of Practice articles are expected to be scholarly, comply with ethical approval, and make a contribution to the teaching of mathematics education. The articles will be limited to 2500 words, with the use of illustrations, work samples, and photos encouraged. It is anticipated that each regular future issue of MTED will include an Illustration of Practice, which has been fully peer-reviewed. 

MTED does not charge any fees for submission, or publication of accepted articles. 

Peer Review Process

Double-blind (author blind, reviewer blind) Review Process

Each manuscript is handled by one of the editors. MTED uses a double-blind (author blind, reviewer blind) review process. The manuscript is reviewed blind by at least two referees, one of which is a member of the Editorial Board. Working from the referees' reports the assigned editor, in consultation with the other editors, then decides on a publication outcome. The editor/s may require the authors of accepted articles to make specific revisions, and may suggest to authors of rejected papers general revisions that might make them publishable. All authors receive copies of the referee reports.

MTED Submission Template

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Research Publishing Ethics Guidelines

Mathematics Teacher Education and Development (MTED) requires authors to adhere to the ethical standards as prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Research Integrity

Research published in MTED should demonstrate excellence in research practice, including respect for all participants in research. Research involving humans should be approved by the relevant ethics committee(s) and conform to ethical standards for research.

Editorial Process

MTED is committed to an objective peer review process that does not discriminate against authors or peer reviewers.

Peer Review

As publisher of MTED, the Mathematics Education Research group of Australasia (MERGA) is committed to building reviewing capacity among members, especially Early Career Researchers and Research Higher Degree students, through ongoing professional learning and mentoring.


Named authors should have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the article; and/or been responsible for drafting or critically revising the article. All researchers with substantial contributions to the pub;ished work should be named among the authors. All named authors should also give final approval for the version to be published and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the article.

The corresponding author will be the main point of contact and should have authority to act on behalf of the other authors. The corresponding author will be responsible for obtaining agreements from other authors and informing them of the progress of the manuscript.

Anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship, but has assisted the authors meaningfuly, should be listed in an Acknowledgements section at the end of the article.

Copyright and Licensing

The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) Incorporated holds copyright of articles published in MTED on the understanding that the author may, without further permission:

  • use all or part of the work in any subsequent book written by an author;
  • archive the published version in the electronic repository of the institution (university or research) in which the author is an employee or research student after publication of the manuscript.

Requests for permission to reproduce content published in Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, other than described above, should be sent to Vice President (Publications) (vp.publication@merga.net.au).

MTED Publication Agreement


MTED is committed to the long-term preservation of its content. All articles published in the journal are archived on the website of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (https://www.merga.net.au).

The journal permits and encourages authors to archive the published version of their articles on their institutional repositories and any other appropriate websites.


MTED reserves the right to check all submission through appropriate plagiarism checking tools. Submissions containing suspected plagiarism will be rejected.

Duplicate Manuscripts

All manuscripts submitted to MTED should be substantially different from other works published by the author(s) and should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press with a different journal or other type of publication.

Conflicts of Interest and Funding

Authors, editors, and reviewers are required to declare any conflicts of interest.

If the research has been funded, author(s) should make a funding declaration at the end of the article.

Retractions and Corrections

If editors are made aware of any allegations of research misconduct the editor shall investigate the allegation and deal with them appropriately.

If an author is found to have made an error, then MTED will publish a correction. In cases where an article is found to be seriously flawed, the article will be retracted. Corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies will be published when needed.

Data and Supporting Evidence

MTED expects authors to maintain accurate records of data and supporting evidence. Where appropriate and allowed, authors are encouraged to deposit data in a suitable repository or storage location for sharing and future use by others.

Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia

Updated June 2024