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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published previously, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission has a full version with authorship, ethical approval, and copyright permissions added.
  • The submission has a blinded version for review purposes.
  • Copyright permission has been granted for use of all images sourced from other publications.
  • A statement of the ethical approval granted for the research is included in the manuscript.
  • The MTED Submission Template has been used to create the file.
  • URLs and DOIs for the references available online are included.
  • DOIs in References are included in the form of https// ...
  • The text adheres to the citation and reference requirements outlined in the APA7 Style Guide.
  • All authors' details have been added to the Contributors section.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should conform to the style guidelines specified in Chapters 1-3 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA7), with minor modifications for Australasian usage as illustrated in the journal (see

Manuscripts should be prepared in the approximate format used by this Journal, with tables and figures incorporated into the text, and italics (not underlining) used when appropriate. Please avoid using footnotes.

MTED Submission Template

MTED Publication Agreement

All submissions should be in MSWord. Papers are not to exceed 9000 words (excluding references).

The review process will be double blind. Authors should submit a blind version of the manuscript. In particular, all direct and indirect references to the author(s) should be scrupulously eliminated. All cited works by one or more of the authors should be referred to as Author followed by the date of publication, and these works omitted from the reference list but included in the covering letter.

Authors' names, affiliations and addresses should be included in a covering letter. Authors should also certify in their covering letter that the manuscript has not been submitted for review by any other journal. Also include details of ethical approval granted for the study undertaken and subsequent publication of data, and a list of Author references, project names, and funding sources removed when making the submission blind.

Only papers that differ substantially from previously published work should be submitted. Manuscripts should be submitted in the MTED Open Journal System (OJS). When submitting the manuscript authors will be required to indicate the type of manuscript: research article, special issue research article or book review.

Authors and Reviewers can register themselves in the MTED OJS to submit or review manuscripts.

Illustrations of Practice

The editors of MTED would like to invite authors to contribute to an exciting new section in our journal. Illustrations of Practice will feature examples of practitioner research that describe innovative and practical examples of mathematics education researchers’ work. We are particularly interested in featuring examples of professional learning sessions undertaken with in-service teachers and accounts of classroom practice conducted with pre-service teachers. All submitted Illustrations of Practice articles are expected to be scholarly, comply with ethical approval, and make a contribution to the teaching of mathematics education. The articles will be limited to 2500 words, with the use of illustrations, work samples, and photos encouraged. It is anticipated that each regular future issue of MTED will include an Illustration of Practice, which has been fully peer-reviewed. 

Special Issue: Mathematics Teacher Educators

Articles submitted for review for a special issue must be invited by Editors of Special Issue following a successful expression of interest submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.