Experiencing a mathematical problem-solving teaching approach: Opportunities to identify ambitious teaching practices


  • Judy Bailey The University of Waikato
  • Merilyn Taylor The University of Waikato


practice-based pre-service teacher education, ambitious teaching, core high-leverage practices, problem-solving


Learning to teach is a complex matter, and many different models of pre-service teacher education have been used to support novice teachers in preparation for the classroom. More recently there have been calls for embedding practice at the centre of teachers’ professional preparation. Preparing novice teachers for ambitious teaching is demanding. A focus on core high-leverage practices such as teaching through problem-solving are suggested. In this study novice teachers engaged in practice-based teacher education to explore the learning and teaching of mathematics using a problem-solving approach. Findings suggest experiencing this approach is an important first step towards novice teachers learning about practices congruent with current reform expectations such as justifying mathematical reasoning, emphasising conceptual understanding, and catering for all learners.  Novice teachers also began to envisage how ambitious mathematics pedagogies could be enacted in their future practice.

Author Biographies

Judy Bailey, The University of Waikato

Senior Lecturer, School of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education

Merilyn Taylor, The University of Waikato

Lecturer, School of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education


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