Facilities for Mathematics Teachers’ Learning from Professional Development Programmes: A Qualitative Systematic Review


  • Daniel Brehmer Mälardalen University
  • Andreas Ryve Mälardalen University


mathematics teacher learning, professional development programmes, catalysts for learning, mapping, review


It is indicated that research on professional development programmes (PDPs) for mathematics teachers mostly concerns whether a programme affects the teachers’ practice or student learning, while the teachers’ learning is treated as a black box. Calls have been made for a shared body of knowledge on teachers’ professional learning and what supports such learning. In this article, 84 articles from mathematics education journals are examined with respect to facilities and catalysts for teacher learning from PDPs for mathematics teachers. Two main types of PDPs were identified—those that target teacher knowledge growth and those that target changed instruction—and it was determined that the types of facilities for catalysing learning linked to them differ. Typical of PDPs targeting teacher knowledge growth is that they emphasise knowledge of content and teaching, knowledge of content and students and specialised content knowledge; following insight and/or body of knowledge as facilities for catalysing the learning. Typical of PDPs targeting changed instruction is that they use more time and have a larger time span than PDPs targeting teacher knowledge growth, emphasise knowledge of content and teaching; and follow strategies by doing/experimenting when establishing them in the classroom as facilities for catalysing the learning.


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