Conceptualising Rehearsal Interactions Through an Examination of Rehearsals with In-service Teachers


  • Casey Hawthorne Furman University
  • John Gruver Michigan Technological University


mathematics teacher education research , practice-based teacher education , rehearsals , pedagogies of enactment , professional development facilitation


Rehearsals have become an increasingly popular pedagogy to support preservice teachers in developing competency in enacting challenging instructional practices and communicating associated pedagogical commitments. To understand how best to support learners participating in rehearsals, researchers have begun to analyse the facilitation of teacher educators leading such pedagogy. These studies have revealed a variety of ways teacher educators can structure rehearsals. We contribute to this emerging body of knowledge by studying the facilitation of rehearsals in the context of professional development with experienced teachers. Our results expand researchers’ understanding of the facilitation of rehearsals in three ways. First, our analysis revealed a range of new ways teacher educators can structure rehearsal interactions. This elaboration and refinement of earlier descriptions offers a variety of new tools for teacher educators to use when leading rehearsals. Second, we categorise these different structures based on their purpose and present three dimensions that contrast the different facilitation choices available. Such an organisation provides a framework that has the potential to aid teacher educators to be more purposeful as they consider the type of interactions they would like to support as well as researchers studying rehearsals to better understand the rationale and effect of such decisions. Third, our reflection about our choices in how we structured interactions when working with experienced teachers presents an example of how the facilitation of rehearsals might be adapted to better respond to the needs and strengths of in-service teachers.


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