The Interplay Between Professional Noticing and Knowledge: The Case of Whole Number Multiplication


  • Reyhan Tekin-Sitrava Kırıkkale University
  • Mine Işıksal-Bostan Middle East Technical University
  • Emine Çatman-Aksoy Middle East Technical University


mathematics teacher education research, teacher knowledge, teacher notic, whole number multiplication, student invented strategies, prospective teachers


The aim of this study was to reveal how instruction enriched with reasoning about students’ thought processes and strategies regulates prospective teacher’s noticing skills in the context of whole number multiplication. In addition, we examined the knowledge evidences that emerged during the process supporting the interplay between knowledge and noticing.   To this end, noticing skills of one prospective teacher regarding to correct and incorrect student invented strategies were examined before and after his engagement with the instruction enriched with reasoning about students’ thought processes and strategies. The data gathered through the teacher’s written responses and the follow up interviews were analyzed with respect to the dimensions of the Professional Noticing of Children’s Mathematical Thinking framework. Moreover, to explore the knowledge evidences, that underpin the teacher’s noticing skills, data were analyzed through the MTSK model. The findings indicated positive change in the prospective teacher’s noticing skills for both correct and incorrect student invented strategies after his involvement in the intervention. More specifically, effective intervention improves not only the teacher knowledge, but also teacher noticing. Furthermore, the particular type of teacher knowledge, which the prospective teacher gained through the course, provided development of particular noticing skill.



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