Facilitation Practices in Mathematics Teacher Education that Promote Productive Identities in Preservice Elementary Teachers


  • Lynsey Gibbons Boston University
  • Ziv Feldman Boston University
  • Suzanne Chapin Boston University
  • Lisa Nguyen Batista Boston University
  • Rachel Starks Boston University
  • Melissa Vazquez-Aguilar


Mathematics Teacher Educator, Preservice Teachers, Identity, Agency, Authority, Mathematics Content Courses


Supporting preservice teachers in their development of positive mathematical identities is important because of their future responsibility as teachers to develop their own students’ mathematical agency. In this self-study, we investigated a mathematics teacher educator’s facilitation practices during discussions to understand whether and to what extent the preservice teachers’ mathematical identities were productively impacted. We analysed over 35 hours of video recordings of a mathematics content course for future elementary teachers and identified four key mathematics teacher educator facilitation practices that appeared to productively impact preservice teachers’ identity: emphasizing reasoning, promoting broader engagement, shifting responsibility for learning, and developing a supportive classroom community. We also analysed survey data on preservice teachers’ perceptions of their mathematical agency and authority. Implications for mathematics teacher educators are discussed.

Author Biographies

Lynsey Gibbons, Boston University

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education

Melissa Vazquez-Aguilar

Boston University


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