A Case Study on Specialised Content Knowledge Development with Dynamic Geometry Software: The Analysis of Influential Factors and Technology Beliefs of Three Pre-Service Middle Grades Mathematics Teachers


  • Vecihi Serbay Zambak Marquette University
  • Andrew M Tyminski Clemson University


Specialized content knowledge . preservice teachers . middle grades . student work . geometry


This study characterises the development of Specialised Content Knowledge (SCK) with dynamic geometry software (DGS) throughout a semester. The research employed a single-case study with embedded units of three pre-service middle grades mathematics teachers. Qualitative data were collected and factors affecting these three teachers' SCK development were compared and contrasted through their experiences during semi-structured clinical interviews. The cross-case comparison indicated aspects such as opportunity to justify ideas in geometry, the level of common content knowledge, and beliefs about technology as influential factors for these pre-service mathematics teachers' SCK development with DGS

Author Biographies

Vecihi Serbay Zambak, Marquette University

Andrew M Tyminski, Clemson University


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