Exploring K–12 Mathematics Teachers’ Identity and Beliefs About Mathematics and Teaching


  • Jennifer Cribbs Oklahoma State University
  • Juliana Utley Oklahoma State University


mathematics teacher education research, mathematics identity, teacher identity, mathematics teaching philosophy, beliefs


Research has indicated a need for mathematics-specific affective measures and reported a lack of research exploring how these beliefs relate to one another, specifically with identity measures. Thus, the aims of this study are: (1) to validate measurement items for a mathematics teacher identity scale and a mathematics teaching philosophy scale, and (2) to explore correlations that may exist between these and other mathematics-specific beliefs. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to provide evidence to support the inclusion of instrument items measuring both the mathematics teacher identity and mathematics teaching philosophy scales. Additionally, results indicated strong or moderate correlations among many of the identity and beliefs measures, such as mathematics identity and mathematics teacher identity. Mathematical mindsets, however, were either weakly correlated or not significantly correlated with all other measures. This study extends previous research on the understanding of the relationships among mathematics specific affective measures.


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