Dynamic Mathematics Interviews in Primary Education: The Relationship Between Teacher Professional Development and Mathematics Teaching



mathematics teacher education research, professional development, dynamic mathematics interview, teaching behaviour, mathematical knowledge for teaching, self-efficacy, primary school teachers


In this quasi-experimental study involving 23 fourth grade teachers, we investigated the effect of implementing teacher-child dynamic mathematics interviews to improve mathematics teaching behavior in the classroom. After a baseline period of 13 months, the teachers participated in a professional development program to support the use of dynamic mathematics interviews followed by a period of practice in mathematics interviewing to identify children’s mathematics learning needs. To determine the effects of the teacher professional development program, pretest and posttest videos of mathematics interviews were compared. To analyse the effects of the intervention, mathematics teaching behavior, mathematics teaching self-efficacy and perceived mathematical knowledge for teaching were measured. Results showed not only the effect of the program on the quality of the dynamic mathematics interviews, but also the effects of the intervention on mathematics teaching behavior, mathematics teaching self-efficacy and mathematical knowledge for teaching.


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