Linking practice and theory: A case study of mathematical discourse between a mathematics teacher educator and a primary classroom teacher
preservice teachers . co-teaching . mathematical discourse . primary . theory and practiceAbstract
In recent years there has been growing concern as to how to bridge the gap between the theory pre-service teachers engage with as part of their learning in their tertiary classrooms and the profession. To enable pre-service teachers to make stronger connections with the profession, a mathematics teacher educator worked collaboratively with a practicing teacher by co-teaching two cohorts of pre-service teachers studying primary mathematics education. As well as providing benefits to the pre-service teachers, the project allowed the mathematics teacher educator to reflect upon her own practice and the impact of the co-teaching experiences and learning. In this paper we present two snapshots of this experience and a framework that was used to identify how the co-teachers helped the pre-service teachers to make connections between theory and practice, when engaged in mathematical discourse.
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