Growing mathematics teachers: Pre-service primary teachers’ relationships with mathematics


  • Naomi Ingram University of Otago
  • Chris Linsell University of Otago
  • Bilinda Offen University of Otago


pre-service teachers . affect . knowledge . growth mindset . longitudinal


At the beginning of their programme in 2015, 40% of the 83 primary pre-service teachers at the University of Otago did not meet the required standard for content knowledge, and therefore their programme was adjusted. During their three-year programme, the pre-service teachers’ mathematical content knowledge was examined, as well as other affective aspects of their relationships with mathematics, including beliefs and feelings about mathematics and teaching, and associated identities. Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the usefulness of the interventions were sought. Their relationships with mathematics generally became more positive as they grew towards becoming teachers and as they adopted a growth perspective. The pre-service teachers found the interventions useful although their confidence remained somewhat conditional on their knowledge and the age of the children. Many of the pre-service teachers moved from thinking about their own relationships with mathematics to thinking about the relationship of the children.

Author Biographies

Naomi Ingram, University of Otago

Lecturer, College of Education

Chris Linsell, University of Otago

Senior Lecturer, College of Education

Bilinda Offen, University of Otago

Lecturer, University of Otago


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