Occasioning teacher-educators’ learning through practice-based teacher education


  • Glenda Anthony Massey University
  • Robin Averill Victoria University of Wellington
  • Michael Drake


teacher education, teacher educator learning, diverse learners, ambitious teaching, rehearsals of practice


In looking to further understanding of how teacher-educators enhance their professional knowledge and expertise, this paper explores how involvement in a design-based study focused on implementing pedagogies of practice occasioned learning. Driven by our desire to prepare beginning teachers to do the work of ambitious mathematics teaching we explore the affordance and constraints when learning to enact cycles of enactment and investigation of public rehearsals within methods and school-based settings. The opening of practice-based spaces, involving rehearsals of practice-based mathematical activities, supported learning from and with our colleagues and prospective teachers. Collectively, collaboration and inquiry within practice-based setting occasioned new possibilities of being a teacher-educator; possibilities that are more inclusive and responsive to the diversity of our prospective teachers’ learning and to that of the students they will teach.

Author Biographies

Glenda Anthony, Massey University

Robin Averill, Victoria University of Wellington

Associate Professor Robin Averill works in teacher education at Victoria University of Wellington. Robin’s research interests focus on enhancing equity of access to mathematics achievement and culturally responsive classroom and teacher education practices. Robin has published widely including teaching resources, research publications, and edited books on the teaching and learning of elementary, secondary, and middle school mathematics and statistics.

Michael Drake


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