Mechanisms Affecting the Sustainability and Scale-up of a System-wide Numeracy Reform


  • Janette Bobis


With deliberate system-level reform now being acted upon around the world, both successful and unsuccessful cases provide a rich source of knowledge from which we can learn to improve large-scale reform. Research surrounding the effectiveness of a theory-based system-wide numeracy reform operating in primary schools across Australia is examined to extract the elements most influential for the sustainability and scaling-up of this reform. The evidence suggests that key mechanisms or tools such as a framework in number and diagnostic interview, alongside a focus on deep understanding in teachers of children’s mathematical thinking strategies and the strategic placement of support structures at various levels of program implementation are important elements for the sustainability and scale-up of this program. This article introduces the professional development program in question, presents an overview of three research studies, and then links their findings to Coburn’s (2003) multi-dimensional conceptualisation of scale.

Author Biography

Janette Bobis


