Reading and Reflecting: Elementary Preservice Teachers' Conceptions about Teaching Mathematics for Equity


  • Christa Jackson Iowa State University
  • Cindy Jong University of Kentucky


preservice teachers, critical reflection, equity, elementary mathematics methods course, conceptions


Teaching mathematics for equity is critical because it provides opportunities for all students, especially those who have been traditionally marginalized, to learn mathematics that is rigorous and relevant to their lives. This article reports on our work, as mathematics teacher educators, on exposing and engaging 60 elementary preservice teachers (PSTs) in readings and reflection on various perspectives on teaching mathematics for equity. We drew on Brookfield’s (1995) four critical lenses for reflection framework to select readings and create questions that required PSTs to critically reflect upon teaching mathematics for equity. An analysis of the reflections revealed a variety of responses as the PSTs critically reflected on equity, culture, and race in the context of mathematics teaching and learning. While some PSTs expressed teachers should be cognizant of equity when teaching mathematics, others were uncomfortable discussing equity related topics in the classroom. After critically reflecting on the readings and class discussions, the PSTs wanted to learn more and research different cultures so they would have a better understanding on how to integrate equity in their mathematics lessons.

Author Biographies

Christa Jackson, Iowa State University

Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education

Cindy Jong, University of Kentucky

Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education


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