Microteaching Experiments as a Vehicle for Professional Development


  • Esther Marie Huntzinger Billings Grand Valley State University
  • Lisa Kasmer Grand Valley State University


professional development, reflection, teachers, teaching experiments, mathematical knowledge for teaching


This study used design experiments, specifically microteaching experiments (MTE) as a catalyst for practice-based professional development.  The MTE incorporated research-based characteristics of effective professional development: it was embedded in the teachers’ daily work of planning and enacting lessons and co-constructed with the researcher to build upon students’ knowledge.  Pedagogical and mathematical content knowledge was integrated into the planning, implementation, and analysis of these MTEs.  In this study, we investigated: To what extent can teachers, and to what extent, engage in a MTE as an intentional method for improving teaching? Case studies were used to analyze ways teachers engaged in MTEs and how their teaching was impacted as the result of this experience.

Author Biographies

Esther Marie Huntzinger Billings, Grand Valley State University

Mathematics Department, Associate Professor of Mathematics

Lisa Kasmer, Grand Valley State University

Mathematics Department, Associate Professor of Mathematics


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