Challenges and Strategies for Assessing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching


  • Chandra Orrill University of Massacheutts D
  • Ok-Kyeong Kim Western Michigan University
  • Susan Peters University of Louisville
  • Alyson Lischka Middle Tennessee State University
  • Cindy Jong University of Kentucky
  • Wendy Sanchez Kennesaw State University
  • Jennifer Eli The University of Arizona


Developing and writing assessment items that measureteachers' knowledge is an intricate and complex undertaking. In this paper, webegin with an overview of what is known about measuring teacher knowledge. Wethen highlight the challenges inherent in creating assessment items that focusspecifically on measuring teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. Weoffer insights into three practices we have found valuable towards overcomingchallenges in our own cross-disciplinary work to create assessment items formeasuring teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching.


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