Using Transactional Distance Theory to Redesign an Online Mathematics Education Course for Pre-Service Primary Teachers


  • Kevin Larkin Griffith University
  • Romina Jamieson-Proctor University of Southern Queensland


This paper examines the impact of a series of design changes to an onlinemathematics education course in terms of transactional distance between learnerand teachers, pre-service education students’ attitudes towards mathematics,and their development of mathematical pedagogical knowledge. Transactional Distance Theory (TDT) was utilised to investigate and describe the interactionsamong course structure, course dialogue and student autonomy in an onlinecourse over a two-year period. Findings indicate that Web 2.0 technologies, when used thoughtfully by teachers, afford high levels of structure anddialogue within the online course. Feedback from pre-service teachers indicatedan improved attitude towards mathematics and an increase in their mathematicalpedagogical content knowledge. These findings have implications for universities moving towards the delivery of teacher education courses entirely online. The provision of supportive learning spaces for mathematics education is a key factor in fostering positive attitudes towards mathematics. This article generates new knowledge as blended and online learning environments in mathematics education have not been investigated using TDT and contributes to the current debate regarding the appropriateness of mathematics education delivered completely online.

Author Biographies

Kevin Larkin, Griffith University

Romina Jamieson-Proctor, University of Southern Queensland


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