Primary School Teachers’ Beliefs Relating to Mathematics, Teaching and Assessing Mathematics and Factors that Influence these Beliefs


  • Steven Nisbet
  • Elizabeth Warren


This study examined primary teachers’ beliefs on teaching, learning and assessing mathematics. In particular, it considered the nature of the beliefs of primary school teachers with regard to mathematics as a subject, and teaching and assessing mathematics. By factor analysis of survey items, it confirmed many theoretical constructs derived from the literature: three major purposes of assessment – to inform the teacher, to inform the learners, and for accountability purposes; two approaches to teaching mathematics – a transmission approach and a constructivist approach; and two views of the nature of mathematics – a static view and a mechanistic view. A third view of mathematics – the dynamic problem-solving view did not form a factor, indicating that this was not a distinct view for the teachers, which is of concern. The study also considered the relationships between these beliefs and specific teacher characteristics, such as gender, years of experience, grade level and qualifications in mathematics. Female teachers scored more highly than male teachers on using assessment to inform the teacher and the learners. The static view of mathematics increased along with grade level, as did the contemporary view of teaching mathematics. The use of assessment to inform the teacher decreased with increasing grade level. There were no clear trends in beliefs with respect to teaching experience or qualifications in mathematics.

Author Biographies

Steven Nisbet

Elizabeth Warren


