Preparedness of Female Mathematics Preservice Teachers in Saudi Arabia
Fatimah Alsaleh
Glenda Anthony
Jodie Hunter
Recently, calls have been made to improve student learning outcomes through focusing on teacher quality. Initial teacher education is considered to be one of the most important factors to enhance teacher quality and is closely linked with feelings of teaching efficacy in beginner teachers. Based on a study examining female Saudi preservice teachers’ (PSTs) sense of preparedness to teach mathematics at secondary or intermediate school level, this paper explores how well Saudi PSTs feel prepared to teach mathematics and their related teacher efficacy by examining interviews with a sample of PSTs, who were in the final year of their 4-year teacher education program. The findings show that these PSTs felt prepared regarding teaching methods and strategies but felt less prepared about other aspects of teaching, such as classroom management, lesson preparation, and integration of technology. The findings from this study contribute to the current efforts towards improving teacher quality worldwide, including initial teacher education in Saudi Arabia.