Developing a Theoretical Framework to Inform the Design of a Teacher Professional Development Program to Enable Foundation to Year 2 Teachers of Mathematics to Build on Indigenous and Low-SES Students' Cultural Capital


  • Robyn Anderson Queensland University of Technology
  • Alexander Stütz Queensland University of Technology
  • Thomas James Cooper Queensland University of Technology
  • Rod Nason Queensland University of Technology


teacher professional development, multicultural capital, knowledge for teaching, Indigenous students, low-SES students


This paper reports on the early stages of the conceptualisation and implementation of the Accelerated Inclusive Mathematics—Early Understandings (AIM EU) project, a project whose major goals are to advance theory and practice in the improvement of Foundation to Year 2 (F–2) teachers' capacity to teach mathematics and through this to enhance F–2 Indigenous and low-SES students' levels of engagement and learning of mathematics. A design-research methodology was used to achieve the advancement of theory and practice. The major outcome of the research is a revised theoretical framework to inform the design and implementation of culturally relevant mathematics pedagogy for F–2 Indigenous and low-SES students.

Author Biographies

Robyn Anderson, Queensland University of Technology

Senior Research Associate, YuMi Deadly Centre

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Faculty of Education

Alexander Stütz, Queensland University of Technology

Senior Research Assistant, YuMi Deadly Centre

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Faculty of Education

Thomas James Cooper, Queensland University of Technology

Professor and Director, YuMi Deadly Centre

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Faculty of Education

Rod Nason, Queensland University of Technology

Adjunct Professor, YuMi Deadly Centre

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Faculty of Education


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