Learning to teach within practice-based methods courses


  • Elham Kazemi University of Washington
  • Kjersti Wæge Norwegian University of Science & Technology


prospective teachers, practice-based teacher education, methods coursework, elementary teaching, teacher education


Supporting prospective teachers to enact high quality instruction requires transforming their methods preparation. This study follows three teachers through a practice-based elementary methods course. Weekly class sessions took place in an elementary school. The setting afforded opportunities for prospective teachers to engage in cycles of investigation and enactment.  The course was focused on learning teaching practices through planning, rehearsing, enacting and reflecting on routine instructional activities that travel back and forth between field-based methods course and field placements. All three teachers grew in their capacity to lead goal-directed lessons by eliciting and responding to students’ thinking.  Our analysis connects the teachers’ learning to the intentional design of the methods course.

Author Biographies

Elham Kazemi, University of Washington

Geda & Phil Condit Professor of Mathematics Education

Associate Dean of Professional Learning

College of Education

University of Washington

Kjersti Wæge, Norwegian University of Science & Technology

Division DirectorNorwegian Centre for Mathematics EducationProgramme for Teacher Education



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