From course work to practicum: Learning to plan for teaching mathematics


  • Susanna(Sue) Mary Wilson College of Education Health and Human Development University of Canterbury
  • Jane McChesney College of Education Health and Human Development University of Canterbury


pre-service mathematics education, planning for teaching, initial teacher education, practicum, pedagogies of practice


Learning to plan for teaching mathematics is the focus of an extended research project in initial teacher education. This paper discusses one early part of this project, based on a focus group interview where ten first year primary student teachers reported their planning experiences at the end of their first school practicum. Their one mathematics education course had provided a process for analysing tasks and other planning tools.Findings relate to different phases of planning during practicum, as well as how they accessed tools from course content, and the ways some used internal scripts in analysing, selecting, appropriating, and adapting resources for teaching. Implications for initial teacher education are to consider how planning is decomposed within course experiences, and possible tools or course experiences that attend to how to identify student learning needs as a basis for planning.



Author Biographies

Susanna(Sue) Mary Wilson, College of Education Health and Human Development University of Canterbury

Sue is a lecturer in mathematics education at the University of Canterbuy where she  teaches both undergraduate and gradute mathematics education courses for primary teaching. She have a masters in teachng and learning (with distinction) and is presently studying towards achieving an EdD qualification. Her research interests include bi -cultural perspectives in mathematics education, pre-service teachers and how they learn mathematics teaching , and planning processes and practices for teaching and learning.

Jane McChesney, College of Education Health and Human Development University of Canterbury

Jane is a lecturer in mathematucs education at the Univeristy of Cantebury where she teaches undergradute and postgradute courses in mathematics education for both prirmary and secondary mathematics teaching. She supervisese doctoral students and her research interests include mathematical practices in school contexts, initial teacher education and mathematics tools and respresentations.



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